1. Cat's Quiet

Cats are an excellent option for pets if noise levels are an issue where you live. Unlike the most

obstinate meowing, even the quietest bark will likely be significantly louder. Depending on the

cat, you might have to be concerned about additional noises like their kicking items off of surfaces

or rushing around at top speed, but they are still likely to be quieter overall.

2. Cats Require Minimal Updates

As pets, cats are easier to maintain than dogs. They don't require regular walks, specialized

training, or even much cleaning; they can take care of it all on their own. Naturally, cats with long

hair still need to be groomed often, but possibly less frequently than long-haired canines.

3. It Is Simple To House-Train Cats

The act of housebreaking a new puppy is one of the most difficult obstacles that dog owners must

face. On the other hand, when you first bring a kitten home, they typically already know how to

use the litter box. They will use it on instinct if you simply point out where it is.

4. Cats Are Great Pets For Apartments

Cats are frequently more suitable for apartment living than dogs when it comes to pets. Cats are

less demanding of space than dogs, and they are better able to utilize vertical space. By

including various vertical levels, you may create a comfortable environment for cats even in

apartments with limited space. Additionally, they don't need to because they utilize litter boxes.

They don't have to be taken outside frequently during the day, which can be time-consuming if

you live in a big apartment complex.

5. Catering For Cats Is Cheaper

The overall cost of caring for cats is less than that of medium or big dogs, according to the ASPCA.

This is due to the fact that they require less food, toys, and general grooming expenses.

6. Cats Can Stand Alone

One of the cats' finest traits is how autonomous they are as creatures. Cats are satisfied to be left alone,

unlike dogs require a lot of care every day. You don't have to worry about your cat being bored

while you're at work because cats sleep for around 15 hours every day. Additionally, compared to

dogs, cats are more likely to be content simply being in your company at home.

7. Cats Can Live A Long Time.

Any pet owner is aware of how devastating it is to lose a pet. Fortunately, cats have a rather long

lifespan compared to other domesticated animals. A cat can live for 12 years on average, although

it's not unusual for cats to live into their late teens or even early 20s.

8. Cats Are Healthy For You

Studies show that cats have a calming effect on their owners, whether it is through the soothing

action of cuddling or the power of purring to induce sleep. Cats can even aid in lowering blood

pressure and the risk of a heart attack. Even 10-year research found that cat owners had a 30%

reduced chance of dying from a heart attack or stroke than persons who don't have cats.

9. Cats May Reduce Allergies.

In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, it was discovered that infants who were

exposed to cats had a lower risk of developing allergies. The intriguing thing was that this applied

to all allergies, not just pet allergies. It seems that growing up around pets will protect you not just

from pet allergies but also from other typical allergies like dust mites, ragweed, and grass.

10. Cats Keep Pests Out Of Your House And Out Of Mind

Cats are the best choice for preventing mice, bugs, and other unpleasant pests from entering your

house. Cats stalk, hunt, and pounce on their prey by nature. Due of their fragrance, rodents can be

deterred by simply being present. Your living environment will determine the kind of pet you can

have, but if you are lucky enough to have a variety of animals to choose from, we hope that these

10 reasons will persuade you that cats are the ideal pets.

For more info visit: https://mypetmycat.com/

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